As the owner of a daycare, Amanda Geering is all about safety. So, when she learned that Daich Coatings had an anti-slip sealer she could use on her outdoor steps, she was all-in. Even better, she discovered that there was a color coating she could use to hide her ugly concrete steps before adding the anti-slip sealer!
“I have three kids myself,” says Geering, who runs the Funky Frugal Mommy website. “My husband and I do daycare for seven other children. With the parents, we have 10-15 people going up and down the outside steps at least twice a day.”
Easy Installation
Geering contacted Daich Coatings and put in her order for TracSafe Anti-Slip Color Coat in a Shell Grey color. She also ordered Scellant antidérapant TracSafe to finish off the project.
“We started by pressure washing the stairs and then filling in some concrete patches on the landing to prep the project,” says Gearing. “Next, we painted on the TracSafe Color Coat. After that dried, we applied thin coats of the anti-slip sealer. From beginning to end, it took about three days, including curing of the project.”
According to Gearing, the easy project made her concrete steps and landing look much more presentable, like they are professionally finished.
“Daich Coating offers a very high quality product,” says Gearing. “The traction on the steps seems better. I can see that the TracSafe Anti-Slip Sealer will help prevent people from falling in the rain or winter weather. This product gave us exactly what we were looking for to help make the entrance to our home business both look better and be safer.”