The clock was ticking. An upcoming business event in some shared office space made the property owner look twice at his outdated orange Formica countertops. SpreadStone Mineral Select Countertop Kit to the rescue.
Fast, Easy Project
“I had used Daich Coatings products successfully before and thought this kit would be a fast solution,” says Matt Weber, editor-in-chief at Home Improvement & Repairs digital magazine. “We ordered the SpreadStone kit in a Lodestone color. As anticipated, this is an easy project. And, the kit includes all the tools that a DIYer needs to complete the resurfacing project.”

After prepping and scuffing the surface with sandpaper, Weber rolled on the base coat. Once the layer dried, he next applied two coats of the stone coating. Again after waiting the dry time, he buffed it and added two clear coats.
“The results are really nice,” says Weber, who works with home improvement products every day. “The stone-like texture is beautiful, and it’s protected from stains by the clear coat.
“Our countertop has a square edge that I protected by installing a bull nose wood edging stained to match the cabinets, so I expect the SpreadStone coating to last for years. I think this is one of the most budget-friendly solutions available to update a countertop.”